Page name: Berserk wars [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-10-23 19:35:45
Last author: Six_dragons
Owner: Six_dragons
# of watchers: 6
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Welcome to Berkerk Wars. The time of war is hither and now the time of the mightiest of the warriors, the berserks, is once again at hand. The great tribe of the north, and those scattered throughout the supposedly civilized worlds in between. The time is nigh, and the instinct and blood lines of the berserks are returning. So pick up thy sword, thy axe, thy spear, and rain down upon your foes!

The berserker member list

The clans' villages:
The clan of the wolf
The clan of the Bear
The clan of the Raven
The clan of the Fox
The clan of the Ram

The places:
The northlands
The Greater Tundra
The lesser plains
The Ice straits
The Imperial city

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2007-10-23 [Six_dragons]: Well all, here ya go! Edit the RP pages when rp, so that we can chat in the comment box and such XD Hope y'all like it ^^

2007-10-24 [KnightAngel]: *blinks* Okay, just checking, this isn't from some other roleplay or otherwise other idea? It's just because of idea of wanting to use berserks, right?

2007-10-24 [Six_dragons]: Yes! BERSERKER VIOLENCE!!! YARRR!!! ^^ Yeah, just a norse based rp ^^

2007-10-24 [Hybrid66]: Just pick a clan, a place, and be the shit out of each other XD

2007-10-24 [Six_dragons]: Damn right! ^^

2007-10-24 [Hybrid66]: Wanan fight? XD

2007-10-25 [Six_dragons]: Okay XD

2007-10-25 [Hybrid66]: Yay! XD

2007-10-25 [KnightAngel]: *chuckles* Okay, sounds fun ^_^

2007-10-26 [Six_dragons]: Indeed ^^

2007-10-28 [Lin-tastic]: What, so this is basically a tribe war?

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Nah, the tribes are just a piece, it's about the berserkers themselves once the time of their kind is over and they are no longer wanted in society or even the military.

2007-10-28 [Lin-tastic]: Oh! Okay...-shrugs- I'll have to think about it...

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Aight ^^ lots of vi-oh-lence *singing*

2007-10-28 [Lin-tastic]: Hmm...-thinks lightly about it-...I'll need to do some research...XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Aight XDD

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Same here XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: I know...the berserkers are unknown lol

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: but.. how do you know them then? XD lol

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: They're unknown to people on ET, and most people, I studied berserkers quite a bit ^^

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Yeah, there's a few people that drive me bersk ^^ lol

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Heheheh ^^

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: what? ^^

2007-10-28 [Lin-tastic]: You spelled it wrong, sweetie. ^_^" lol...I joined...and still have to research stuff...XD

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Nah, that's how it's spelled in ff3 silly ^^

2007-10-28 [Ravendust]: This looks pretty nifty *strokes chin*

2007-10-28 [Lin-tastic]: -shrugs- Okies. ^_^ I'll take your word on it...and it should definitally be fun to play. ^_^

2007-10-28 [Hybrid66]: Indeed ^_^

2007-10-28 [Six_dragons]: Hee ^^

2007-10-30 [Six_dragons]: The RP will officially start on Thursday in The Lesser Plains, is that good with everyone?

2007-10-30 [Six_dragons]: Err sunday! I gotta work on thursday lol

2007-10-31 [KnightAngel]: Great, cause I still need to work on a char :P

2007-10-31 [Hybrid66]: lol Watch out, Someone might complain about it

2007-10-31 [KnightAngel]: *blinks* Huh? Who and why? XP

2007-11-04 [Six_dragons]: It has begun! XD

2007-11-04 [KnightAngel]: Gah, sorry ^^' Had to go with my fiancé to Sweden due to a special family get together thingie o.o I'm so sorry ;_;

2007-11-04 [Six_dragons]: It's all good knight, just jump in when you can ^^

2007-11-04 [KnightAngel]: *smiles* Thanks and I will :P

2007-11-04 [Six_dragons]: ^_^

2007-11-09 [Six_dragons]: We're now in The Greater Tundra ^_^

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: can I join?

2007-11-11 [Six_dragons]: Feel free ^^

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: yay! ^-^

2007-11-11 [Six_dragons]: yay indeed ^-^

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: where do I start?

2007-11-11 [Lin-tastic]: The Greater Tundra, where else? XD

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: ...I know now

2007-11-11 [Lin-tastic]: lol I know. ^_^ Just trying to get some ^_^

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: hehehehee My char is the youngest he is only 16 in the big bad world lol

2007-11-11 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^ Yep, that he

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: lol

2007-11-11 [Silver Moon]: heading off soon, stomach's upset see ya

2007-11-12 [Lin-tastic]: -waves- Be back soon!

2007-11-12 [Six_dragons]: Aight!

2008-07-31 [Rising Death Dragon]: this wiki beter have not died!

2008-08-07 [Six_dragons]: Yeah, it pretty much did, nothing but ninjas on the minds of ETers these days, it was doomed from the start.

2008-08-07 [Rising Death Dragon]: oh

2008-08-09 [Six_dragons]: Always ready to start it back up lol.Was gonna clear it out, seems like a good Idea to restart

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